Monday, May 3, 2010

Getting it the first time

Sometimes when I take a friend to hear a good sermon from a speaker I highly regard, it stumps me when that person doesn't react as passionately as I would have expected. At times, I want to say: "Are you made of stone?!? Doesn't what he said move you in any way?". In my less charitable moments, I am likely to dismiss that person as one who is not in the rarified circle of those elite who "get it"

Now this might work two ways and I too have been on the receiving end as well. Quite a few times, I've sat stone faced through a sermon when all around me, people are guffawing and rolling in the aisles with laughter. And on certain occasions, I can almost sense the same condenscention directed my way as I have done to others.

Maybe one's man's meat is another man's poison. After all, it all comes down to personal preference and mood right? The latter is important, to be true. How often have we gone to a church service and while the worship was good, the sermon was God glorifying and the whole service honoured the Lord; you were in a different world thinking about something else? It happens

But it's not an excuse when the Gospel is preached. When the emphasis is not on the techniques of motivating presentation and all expositing the Word, I must say that at that time, irregardless of mood or frame of mind or whatever; the Gospel must pierce. How deep is a matter for debate. Either you have harderned your heart or God has harderned it for his purpose, the lukewarm response is no response at all. It doesn't have to move you to drop to your knees in repentance (although should you be so moved to, it is not a bad thing), nor should you have to shout "Yes! Preach it, brother!!" at the top of your voice. But it should speak to you. And it can't be ignored

If your father speaks to you, no matter how you feel at that time; you have to respond. And if the Father speaks to you through his word, there is no way you can hear the words: "Jesus died for your sins" and not be affected..unless you are not of the elect

Of course, it is not for me to say who is and who is not. I could very well type these words now and years from now, be the equivalent of the son of perdition. I pray to God I hope not. But I might also be a layabout in the faith, and suddenly die as one who God knows and loves. It is possible for in God, all things are possible

However, this does not excuse a non-response. Once the gospel is heard, you must react. Even if you get angry at it, the reaction shows that it has done it's work as a spear to your conscience. But not to move as a result, it is a dangerous thing indeed, my friend

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