As I worship led today, one thing that struck me were the empty seats amongst the congregation. Now I am not saying that numbers are a sure sign of holiness or effectiveness but I have noticed a disturbing trend amongst churchgoers in the last few years - that many people do not want to commit to anything, be it a church, an ideal, a ministry or for that matter..a belief system
Maybe it's a postmodern effect. I think that's giving Derrida, Foucalt and Co. way too much credit. My observations have led me to think that this is something that is not post, or even modern. In fact, it's as ancient as time itself. The problem?
It's called worshipping the god of your glands
When you wake up on a Sunday and stare blearily into the alarm clock, the decision isn't so much to go to church or not, although you might think it is that simple. Rather, it's asking yourself what you have set your thoughts for this life and the afterlife to be ( if you believe in an existence beyond this realm ,that is).
How I live this life, the manner in which I treat my neighbour, the reality of God in my life - all these point to a road map which you've laid out for yourself and it is map depicts your version of what life is all about. And if it does not involve a God, and negates all manner of thought of a deity or anyone else and it's all about me and me alone - then I worship the god of my glands
It means I bow down to the desires of my heart and my eyes and whatever else that drives me. So it's not a late Saturday night that was to blame for waking up late today. You wanted to stay up late. It was you that made that decision to come back at 3am and it's you who made that decision to hit the alarm and roll back to sleep
All this points to a simple fact that God probably isn't that big a deal for you. It is at this point that people get defensive or sheep-faced and start defending themselves by saying things like "you don't know my heart...etc etc)
What you do reflects what's in your heart. You love someone, there's nothing on earth that will stop you from buying the most expensive gifts or doing the daftest things to woo him or her. That's not an effort. It's not a chore. But getting to church, preparing yourself to worship God and interacting with his community of believers is a reeeaaaalll hassle somehow.
These are the same people whom you will never get to say these words honestly: Maybe I'm just not into God that much. As I said, they will completely live in a world that relegates God to somewhere between second and third last but they will happily proclaim the most extravagant statements during the few worship sessions that make it to in a year - " Oh, God, I'd die for you", " Jesus, you are the King of my life" etc etc. See the inherent contradiction?
So does anyone belive it? I don't know if they do. But I can bet that they've never asked themselves the above question - are you ready for eternity?
Because eternity is more than trillions and trillion of years in the presence of God. It's worship, it's adoration and it's that desire to be with him totally fulfilled. If the mere thought of doing a infintesimally small fraction of that on a Sunday even fails to stir you - why bother about the charade or saying that you can't wait to see God? Your actions are contrary to your words. Pardon me for saying that, but that kind of eternity (and it is the one depicted in YOUR bible) is probably hell to you
Which is why C.S Lewis wrote that sending people to hell may be an act of mercy instead of judgement, that there are people to whom an eternity with God would be unbearable pain and that it is better for these people to be placed away from him and his followers indeed. I may not go as far as to say that, but I do mull and observe that for some people; their idea of heaven may be an eternity of lazing around shopping malls satisfying their every whim and craving - and then I think that maybe they are not ready for eternity just yet. Their heaven is here on earth so there's no reason to yearn for something more
If God indeed gives you the desires of your heart, he might just do that - but the answer might surprise the heck out of you.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Where is the love? - Part 2
Two real life stories
A very intelligent and humble man of God, someone who I call my spiritual mentor (not a title I give out easily at all..) has a falling out with another member of church who is known as a sacrificial worker at church. Both start off as friends, now they hardly speak to one another
A choir leader one day passionately cries out to her assembled choir after having an emotional meltdown: "Where is the love?!?". An elderly matriach stands up, and bitterly says in front of everyone: "In this church ? - there is none!".
I am not making these events up. They happened and it is more than sad. It is tragic because by the edict laid down in 1 Corinthians a church, we stand condemned. We can be known for our great music, talented musicians, fine programs or deep pockets...but if we have not love, we are nothing.
Nothing. Go think about that for a moment
It means all that we talk about and pat ourselves on the back is all for nothing, it is in vain.
People come to church because of the people. And they hope to find love from those people. When they don't get it - they leave. The music, the sermons, the big carpark...they are fine but they don't do one bit about addressing that hollow area in the human heart that cries out for meaning and fulfilment. As Christians, we should know that this area is exactly a fit for God. Not an inch too small or big. Just right. And as representatives of Christ on earth, we should be reflecting that.
But do you know what I see?
I see a church that is filled with back stabbers. People who don't have the guts to say stuff to your face but to whisper their frustrations to each other. I also see people with skin as thin as Filo pastry. Offend them once - and they consciously tick you off their list of Christian brethren. What? You think you and I are going to be able to avoid each other in heaven for eternity?
There is no reconciliation because it is not preached from the pulpit. No one takes it seriously. Exhortations to love each other fail because we conveniently read that as " I love who I want to". This can only be remedied when we have a culture of reconciliation. Nelson Mandela did it for South Africa - preventing bloodshed. Unfortunately, he's not likely to preach at my church anytime soon
It needs hard preaching, a mixture of love and wrath. A serious call to repentance and a reversal of what has been the dominant culture for decades in this church; apathy, coldness, inauthencity, a lack of veracity, cowardness, a lack of faith. It's all there. Harsh words? Nothing even remotely compared to what our God will say to us on the day of judgement when we stand in front of him
A very intelligent and humble man of God, someone who I call my spiritual mentor (not a title I give out easily at all..) has a falling out with another member of church who is known as a sacrificial worker at church. Both start off as friends, now they hardly speak to one another
A choir leader one day passionately cries out to her assembled choir after having an emotional meltdown: "Where is the love?!?". An elderly matriach stands up, and bitterly says in front of everyone: "In this church ? - there is none!".
I am not making these events up. They happened and it is more than sad. It is tragic because by the edict laid down in 1 Corinthians a church, we stand condemned. We can be known for our great music, talented musicians, fine programs or deep pockets...but if we have not love, we are nothing.
Nothing. Go think about that for a moment
It means all that we talk about and pat ourselves on the back is all for nothing, it is in vain.
People come to church because of the people. And they hope to find love from those people. When they don't get it - they leave. The music, the sermons, the big carpark...they are fine but they don't do one bit about addressing that hollow area in the human heart that cries out for meaning and fulfilment. As Christians, we should know that this area is exactly a fit for God. Not an inch too small or big. Just right. And as representatives of Christ on earth, we should be reflecting that.
But do you know what I see?
I see a church that is filled with back stabbers. People who don't have the guts to say stuff to your face but to whisper their frustrations to each other. I also see people with skin as thin as Filo pastry. Offend them once - and they consciously tick you off their list of Christian brethren. What? You think you and I are going to be able to avoid each other in heaven for eternity?
There is no reconciliation because it is not preached from the pulpit. No one takes it seriously. Exhortations to love each other fail because we conveniently read that as " I love who I want to". This can only be remedied when we have a culture of reconciliation. Nelson Mandela did it for South Africa - preventing bloodshed. Unfortunately, he's not likely to preach at my church anytime soon
It needs hard preaching, a mixture of love and wrath. A serious call to repentance and a reversal of what has been the dominant culture for decades in this church; apathy, coldness, inauthencity, a lack of veracity, cowardness, a lack of faith. It's all there. Harsh words? Nothing even remotely compared to what our God will say to us on the day of judgement when we stand in front of him
Monday, November 3, 2008
Things you can learn from the Charismatics
Look, I'm never going to be mistaken for someone who channels Big hair or Benny Hinn in church. I can't even speak proper Cantonese, let alone tongues. And I don't go around mapping cities for areas of spiritual darkness; it's tough enough finding my way around Cheras in daytime.
But I do find some useful things about the charismatic church that we should emulate. The traditional church has become a little smug and stale; and a little humility in learning wouldn't hurt. However, this is not be taken as a sign that I am going to be joining the Really Full Gospel Tabernacle of Shekinah Glory Rapture awaiting full signing and wonders church of God anytime soon...
What we can learn:
1) Prayer
Charismatics pray. Sure, they may pray for weird stuff like gold dust or the ability to laugh for hours (tip: go watch a comedy on TV) instead of world peace, but they pray. They believe in the power of prayer and that God can answer prayer. This is something totally biblical and somewhere along the line when we got a little too smart and self-reliant; we may have forgotten the fact that we are "but dust" and that God created us. It's something for us to go back to
2) Joy in worship
You may not like 20 choruses of "I could sing of your love forever" but there is no denying that for most parts, there is joyous worship in a charismatic service,give or take a little bit of over the topness. I know my uncle is fond of saying that hymns in a traditional sense can be sung just as joyously but when was the last time you saw people in the first service weeping or raising their arms with joy when they were singing? I am biased. If there is one part of me that is pseudo-charismatic ; it's my worship style. I don't mind singing 20 choruses...heck, let's make it 21!
3) Not being afraid in engaging the youth
The charismatic churches have a demographic that is youth heavy and why not? These churches came from the Jesus movement in the '60's. Their founders, once they got off LSD and Marijuana, got high on Jesus and brought rock and roll to christian music. In other words, they made an attempt to connect. They were rebellious youth and they knew how to reach out to the same group.
I appreciate the fact that some churches criticise this for being too worldly and giving in to dumbing down certain things. I agree to an extent. Some churches are no different from 'kem motivasi's and the sermons seem not to use any words longer than 2 syllables and no harder than what is required to enjoy a Barney the Dinosaur show.
However, this doesn't detract from the fact they love youth and want them. Your church might have more PhDs and large steeples but where is the love for the kids? You don't have to become an cool hip church, just a church that wants to accept them
4) Going back to the Bible
Sad to say, traditionalists who once were mighty defenders of the Word have deteriotated into a bunch of liberal, well read know it alls who have read everthing except the Bible. Worse, they may have read everything else stupid.
When you have people saying that the Da Vinci Code is true and at a time when they think Billy Graham was one of the four apostles...something needs to be done. While I do not agree with charismatics on their theology of the Holy Spirit, their mostly ignorant whole hearted acceptance of creationism ( I can't even call it science lest I faint) and dangerous stance on the End times; I admire that they are willing to defend the inerrancy of the Bible
I just wish it was a brigher group ;-) (Sorry, I couldn't resist the last dig)
So, there you go. Proof that I am not totally against my babbling, breakdancing in the spirit brethren, I love you all, you represent and rock for J.C..even in your weird way...and that's a cool thing
But I do find some useful things about the charismatic church that we should emulate. The traditional church has become a little smug and stale; and a little humility in learning wouldn't hurt. However, this is not be taken as a sign that I am going to be joining the Really Full Gospel Tabernacle of Shekinah Glory Rapture awaiting full signing and wonders church of God anytime soon...
What we can learn:
1) Prayer
Charismatics pray. Sure, they may pray for weird stuff like gold dust or the ability to laugh for hours (tip: go watch a comedy on TV) instead of world peace, but they pray. They believe in the power of prayer and that God can answer prayer. This is something totally biblical and somewhere along the line when we got a little too smart and self-reliant; we may have forgotten the fact that we are "but dust" and that God created us. It's something for us to go back to
2) Joy in worship
You may not like 20 choruses of "I could sing of your love forever" but there is no denying that for most parts, there is joyous worship in a charismatic service,give or take a little bit of over the topness. I know my uncle is fond of saying that hymns in a traditional sense can be sung just as joyously but when was the last time you saw people in the first service weeping or raising their arms with joy when they were singing? I am biased. If there is one part of me that is pseudo-charismatic ; it's my worship style. I don't mind singing 20 choruses...heck, let's make it 21!
3) Not being afraid in engaging the youth
The charismatic churches have a demographic that is youth heavy and why not? These churches came from the Jesus movement in the '60's. Their founders, once they got off LSD and Marijuana, got high on Jesus and brought rock and roll to christian music. In other words, they made an attempt to connect. They were rebellious youth and they knew how to reach out to the same group.
I appreciate the fact that some churches criticise this for being too worldly and giving in to dumbing down certain things. I agree to an extent. Some churches are no different from 'kem motivasi's and the sermons seem not to use any words longer than 2 syllables and no harder than what is required to enjoy a Barney the Dinosaur show.
However, this doesn't detract from the fact they love youth and want them. Your church might have more PhDs and large steeples but where is the love for the kids? You don't have to become an cool hip church, just a church that wants to accept them
4) Going back to the Bible
Sad to say, traditionalists who once were mighty defenders of the Word have deteriotated into a bunch of liberal, well read know it alls who have read everthing except the Bible. Worse, they may have read everything else stupid.
When you have people saying that the Da Vinci Code is true and at a time when they think Billy Graham was one of the four apostles...something needs to be done. While I do not agree with charismatics on their theology of the Holy Spirit, their mostly ignorant whole hearted acceptance of creationism ( I can't even call it science lest I faint) and dangerous stance on the End times; I admire that they are willing to defend the inerrancy of the Bible
I just wish it was a brigher group ;-) (Sorry, I couldn't resist the last dig)
So, there you go. Proof that I am not totally against my babbling, breakdancing in the spirit brethren, I love you all, you represent and rock for J.C..even in your weird way...and that's a cool thing
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